Australian stocks | Australian Stock Market | CFD Trading Australia | IFCM
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CFD Trading on Australian Stocks

Australian stocks are traded at Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). This exchange as it is today appeared in 2006 after the merger of Australian Stock Exchange and Sydney Futures Exchange. ASX is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIS) and is a part of the Asian and Oceanian Federation of Stock Exchanges. It is located in Sidney, New South Wales. Currently more than 2000 Australian stocks and 80 stocks of the foreign issuers are traded there. IFC Markets offers, at the first stage, 77 most traded stocks including BHP Billiton, Commonwealth Bank, Telstra, Rio Tinto, National Australia Bank and others.

Australian Stocks

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Trade Stock CFDs and discover the benefits of CFD trading with IFC Markets

Maximum Leverage
  • MetaTrader4 & MetaTrader5: 1:20 (margin 5%)
  • On NetTradeX the leverage for Stock CFDs is equal to the trading account leverage (maximum 1:20).
8 Stock Exchanges, 400+ Stock CFDs
  • Commission for one stock - 0.1%
  • The minimum commission (NetTradeX, MT4 accounts) - 1 AUD.
  • The minimum commission (MT5 accounts) - 1 USD / 1 EUR / 100 JPY
Stock CFD Dividend Adjustment = Stock Dividend
  • Holders of long (buy) positions in CFD receive a dividend adjustment equal to the dividend payment amount. When calculating a positive adjustment, a 15% tax is deducted from the amount of the adjustment. When calculating an adjustment, a commission is also possible.
  • More details in "Stock CFDs Dividend Dates" page.

You can calculate the result of trading and the margin using the Profit/Loss Calculator and the Margin Calculator. You may see the dates of regular corporate earnings release in Corporate earnings calendar.
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