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Live Currency Rates

Live currency rates allow visitors of the financial portal to always and everywhere learn about all the changes in the foreign exchange market. The table provides complete information for more than 50 currency pairs: names of currency pairs, live Forex quotes, daily change, Forex charts and much more. And to strengthen your knowledge of trading you can go through the basic "What is Forex trading".

Live Prices - Forex / Currency Pairs

InstrumentNameOpen priceToday, max.Today, min.Live PriceChange, dailyChart
AUDUSD AUD/USD --- --- --- --- ---
EURGBP EUR/GBP --- --- --- --- ---
EURUSD EUR/USD --- --- --- --- ---
GBPUSD GBP/USD --- --- --- --- ---
USDCAD USD/CAD --- --- --- --- ---
USDCHF USD/CHF --- --- --- --- ---
USDJPY USD/JPY --- --- --- --- ---
USDMXN USD/MXN --- --- --- --- ---
USDRUB USD/RUB --- --- --- --- ---

Currency pairs

InstrumentName SellBuyUpdated, CETChart
AUDCAD AUD CAD ---------
AUDCHF AUD CHF ---------
AUDJPY AUD JPY ---------
AUDNZD AUD NZD ---------
CADCHF CAD CHF ---------
CADJPY CAD JPY ---------
CHFJPY CHF JPY ---------
EURAUD EUR AUD ---------
EURCAD EUR CAD ---------
EURCHF EUR CHF ---------
EURCZK EUR CZK ---------
EURHKD EUR HKD ---------
EURJPY EUR JPY ---------
EURMXN EUR MXN ---------
EURNZD EUR NZD ---------
EURPLN EUR PLN ---------
EURRUB EUR RUB ---------
EURSEK EUR SEK ---------
EURTRY EUR TRY ---------
EURZAR EUR ZAR ---------
GBPAUD GBP AUD ---------
GBPCAD GBP CAD ---------
GBPCHF GBP CHF ---------
GBPJPY GBP JPY ---------
GBPNZD GBP NZD ---------
GBPSEK GBP SEK ---------
NZDCAD NZD CAD ---------
NZDCHF NZD CHF ---------
NZDJPY NZD JPY ---------
NZDUSD NZD USD ---------
USDCNH USD CNH ---------
USDCZK USD CZK ---------
USDDKK USD DKK ---------
USDHKD USD HKD ---------
USDNOK USD NOK ---------
USDPLN USD PLN ---------
USDSEK USD SEK ---------
USDSGD USD SGD ---------
USDTRY USD TRY ---------
USDZAR USD ZAR ---------

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